The most recent version of the Swan View Local Area Plan was adopted in April 2023.

The plan highlights the priorities of the community identified during the consultation period. It also creates a roadmap for the City to plan for and deliver outcomes that meet the aspirations and needs of the community.

Community snapshot

Community priorities

  • Priority 1

    Increase safety and crime prevention initiatives.

  • Priority 2

    Support and improve natural landscapes, bushland and public open spaces

  • Priority 3

    Provide more support for positive social activities for young people

  • Priority 4

    Increase local tree canopy by planting more trees

  • Priority 5

    Promote and strengthen cross-cultural community relationships

  • Priority 6

    Improve accessibility to nearby businesses and services

Area wide updates 2024

Priority 1

The City’s new Community Safety Plan has officially been approved and will soon be put into action throughout the City. The six key focus areas are:

  • Crime prevention, intervention and sense of safety actions
  • Service delivery that strengthens safety in local suburbs
  • Providing solutions to maintain safety in public spaces
  • Local partnerships that address complex problems
  • Emergency preparedness, response and recovery activities
  • Supporting everyone to create a safer community

Priority 2

Over the last 12 months, four incredible Friends Groups—Jane Brook Association, May Brook, Blackadder Creek, and Miles Road—have donated over 200 hours of volunteer time. These dedicated volunteers have worked hard on controlling weeds, collecting litter, and planting trees, all to help keep the Swan View local area beautiful and green. Their efforts show the power of community spirit and care for our environment. Thank you to these amazing volunteers.

Priority 3

As part of the Swan Active Midland reopening celebrations, the City held an action-packed day at the Midvale Skate Park on May 11. Local kids and teens participated in skate, scoot, and BMX workshops and competitions, showing off their skills and learning new tricks.

Priority 4

  • In 2023, the City planted 850 native seedlings across the Swan View local area. These plants were planted as part of our urban canopy expansion efforts, capital planting projects and requests from local residents for new or replacement street trees.
  • In 2024, the City has received great interest in our free tree program from the residents within the Swan View local area. The following number of tree seedlings were given away to the residents:
    • 831 trees in Jane Brook
    • 366 trees in Stratton
    • 511 trees in Swan View
    • 288 trees in Midvale.

Priority 5

In December 2023, the City provided funding for a Christmas Carols event in Jane Brook. Families and friends gathered to celebrate the holiday season with festive songs, bringing joy and cheer to the community. It was a perfect way to enjoy the holiday spirit together.

Priority 6

Local businesses are gaining opportunities to build relationships and share industry insights through networking programs, such as those offered by the Swan Chamber of Commerce. Networking helps business owners gain confidence, exchange ideas, and learn from one another, making the local business community stronger and more resilient.

Location specific updates 2024