The applicant is seeking development approval for the demolition of the existing dwelling on the site and the construction of a replacement single storey dwelling at Lot 5 and Lot 8 (No.10) Helena Street, Guildford.
The pertinent details of the proposal are as follows:
1. Limewash Bagged Brick façade
2. 30-degree zincalume roof as perceived from Helena Street.
3. Timber Look Alum Batten Garage Door
4. Recycled brick paver driveway
5. The removal of one (1) of the three (3) street trees abutting the site to accommodate a new vehicular crossover.
The proposal includes variations to the ‘deemed-to-comply’ measures contained within the Guildford Heritage Policy.
Varies 8.4.2 Scale and Form in the following manner:
- By proposing a 2.657m plate height in lieu of the minimum 3m plate height for residential typology houses.
- By proposing a 16-degree roof slope for the central portion of the roof in lieu of a 30-degree roof slope as is present elsewhere in this proposal
Varies 8.4.3 Materials and Colours in the following manner:
- By proposing a white render finish on some non-street facing elevations where the policy specifies that render is to be used as ornamentation only and not as the predominant finish.
Varies 8.5 Gardens and Landscape in the following manner:
- By proposing the removal of one (1) of the three (3) street trees in front of thesubject site where the policy specifies that:
“Mature trees in the public and private realm are to be retained and integrated into the design of a new development, alterations and additions”
It should be noted that the proposal retains the remaining two (2) street trees.
Deadline for submissions: 12 December, 2024.
This consultation has closed.