There are a number of playgrounds around the City that are due for replacement. The City suggested some designs for each of the locations and consulted with the community in August 2023. We have now reviewed the feedback and updated the progress of each playground.

You can view each of the playgrounds below.


Trees will be provided for all playgrounds, and Shade sails will be included for Rosher Park, Wangalla POS and Bourke View Park.

We proposed to renew the current playground at the same location with a very similar design. Consultation has now closed for feedback or other design ideas.
Based on the feedback, the City will proceed with the works shown in the concept as it aligns with the City’s ‘Public Open Space and Community Buildings’ policy.

We proposed to renew the current playground to a new design in a different location within the park. Consultation has now closed for feedback or other design ideas.

Based on the feedback, the City will consider shade as part of the future project. The City will consider adding accessible play equipment as well as retaining existing trees to provide shading, noting that additional shading can be considered in future projects.

We proposed to renew the current playground in the same location with a new design. Consultation has now closed for feedback or other design ideas.

Based on the feedback, the City will proceed with the works shown in the concept as it aligns with the City’s ‘Public Open Space and Community Buildings’ policy.

We are proposing to renew the current playground in the same location with a new design. Consultation has now closed for feedback or other design ideas.

Based on the feedback, the City will proceed with the works as shown in the concept, noting that the green rocking frog will be replaced like for like and that there may be future opportunities to incorporate indigenous artwork as part of an overall Fishmarket Reserve Masterplan.

We are proposing to renew the current playground to a new design in a different location within the park. Consultation has now closed for feedback or other design ideas.

Based on the feedback, the City will proceed with the works shown in the concept as it aligns with the City’s ‘Public Open Space and Community Buildings’ policy.

We are proposing to renew the current playground in the same location with a new design. Consultation has now closed for feedback or other design ideas.

The City has reviewed the comments and has decided to postpone this to future years to consider possible amendments to the concept.

  • Update

    Please note that the start date for the playground upgrade, initially scheduled for February, has been moved to April 2025. Completion is still planned for June 2025. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding as we work to improve our community's recreational facilities.

  • Thank you for your participation

    Recently the community spent some time providing us with thier online feedback about the listed playground replacements.

    The feedback will improve how we deliver this project to make sure it is in line with community expectation.

    We will now take some time to evaluate the submissions and will be in touch with an update as soon as possible.