The City is seeking public comment on this Development Assessment Panel Form 1 development application. The application consists of the following:

  • The existing two-storey brick heritage building know as Barker’s Store and Warehouse building tenanted by Copper & Oak Liquor Merchants, to be retained with 50m2 GLA;
  • A new building to accommodate the Market Fresh IGA, with a Gross Leasable Area (GLA) of 495m2; to adjoin the Barker’s Store and Warehouse building;
  • Retaining the existing one storey building (1970’s addition) with 170m2 GLA; whilst partial demolition inclusive of roof structure and sections of external walls is proposed;
  • Some modifications to the Barker’s Store and Warehouse building as follows:
    • Installation of new gutters and downpipes.
    • Removal and reconditioning of the existing rendered masonry on lower portion of the building.
  • Demolition/ removal of the southern crossover on Meadow Street, the existing masonry pier and steel picket infill fencing, bollards, the small brick building to the east boundary of the site, and the external shipping container/refrigerator unit;
  • Reconfiguration of existing carpark to provide a total of 28 on-site car spaces, 3 motorcycle spaces, and 16 bicycle bays;
  • The proposed Market Fresh IGA will have opening hours of 6:00am - 10:00pm, seven days a week, and will have up to seven staff members on the premises at any one time;
  • The existing liquor store opening hours and other operational details will not change as part of this application;
  • The proposed market building is to be constructed in brick masonry. The colour of the bricks used vary slightly to the double story warehouse;
  • Soft and hard landscaping surrounding the building and throughout the car park area.

Variations sought:

In accordance with the City`s parking policy the proposed development requires 61 car bays, whilst 28 is provided leading to a shortfall of 33 bays.

Your comments are sought on the proposed variation.

Please be advised the City is not the decision-maker for this application and the application will be determined by the Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel (MODAP) due to the value of the proposed works.

The City`s role is to provide a recommendation to the MODAP through a Responsible Authority Report. As part of preparing the City`s Responsible Authority Report to the MODAP the City are seeking your comments on the proposal.

Your comments will be included within the Responsible Authority Report to ensure that the community`s views have the opportunity to form part of the MODAP`s consideration of the proposal.

The City will notify all submitters in writing of the Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel meeting once the meeting date has been listed by the Development Assessment Panel Secretariat.

Deadline for submissions: 21 January, 2025.