Consultation for this project occured between November 2022 to January 2023. Community members were asked for their preferred concept whilst providing feedback on specific playground equipment.

The land was originally considered for a tennis court which wasn't implemented at the time of subdivision, however the developers have now contributed $200,000.00 towards a playspace on this site.

Initial community feedback received as part of a City wide consultation indicated a preference to use this as a new local play space. The City completed three concept options with this in mind.

Based on community feedback, the City has included $282,000 funding in addition to the developers contribution on the draft 2024/25 budget for Council's adoption in June 2023.

Design is scheduled for 2023/24 with construction in 2024/25.

We have updated the design concept to reflect the below findings from the consultation

  • 87% support constructing a playspace at this site
  • Concept preferences
    • 76% - Concept one
    • 16% - Concept two
    • 8% - Concept three
  • Playground one was the most popular main combination piece
  • Basket Swing Pendulum was the most popular single piece of equipment
  • Multiple comments were made requesting
    • Shade
    • Single basketball ring with backboard
    • Additional tree planning to provide a boarder to the neighbouring lots

You can view the approved design on this page.

  • Thank you for your participation

    Between November 2022 and January 2023. 120 feedback submissions were received during this consultation.

    This feedback has been taken into consideration and some revisions to the concept design have been made. This includes replacement of the concord with the basket swing pendulum, the addition of shade sails, a single basketball ring with backboard, additional tree planting to provide a boarder to the neighbouring lots and some rock stepping stones.