The City of Swan is seeking your feedback on its draft Social Strategy.

Historically local governments were established to undertake road construction and maintenance, levy rates for services, and collect and dispose of rubbish ("roads, rates and rubbish.") While these functions are still important, local government’s remit has widened, deepened and become more nuanced and sophisticated.

The City of Swan delivers many social services that span across community development, leisure, libraries, public health, security, arts and more.

In developing the draft Social Strategy, the City seeks to set the direction for its social services, aiming to deliver the greatest value to its community, while also balancing budgetary pressures and ensuring that rates remain reasonable.

The Social Strategy sets out the focus areas needed to deliver our Strategic Community Plan - which contains our social vision and how we will measure our success.

After consulting with industry stakeholders at the beginning of 2024, we have developed a draft Social Strategy that is now open for community review and comment. See the focus areas below.

Consultation is open until Friday 8 November.

Focus areas

  • Growing and diverse

    As one of the fastest growing local government areas in WA, the City seeks to cater for population growth in a way that acknowledges diverse needs.

  • Healthy and safe

    The City will continue to provide facilities, programs and services that support and protect community health and wellbeing and promote personal growth.

  • Engaged and participating

    The City seeks to foster positive social outcomes through communities that are engaged and participating.

  • Celebrated and vibrant

    The City supports local arts and culture to foster a sense of belonging.