The most recent version of the Midland Local Area Plan was adopted in August 2021 and is planned to be reviewed in 2027.

The plan highlights the priorities of the community identified during the consultation period. It also creates a roadmap for the City to plan for and deliver outcomes that meet the aspirations and needs of the community

Community snapshot

Community priorities

  • Priority 1

    Improve community safety and antisocial behaviour in the Midland Town Centre

  • Priority 2

    Ensure Midland has public open space that caters for the community

  • Priority 3

    Facilitate the retention of trees, bushland and improve midland's connection to the Swan and Helena River

  • Priority 4

    Promote and protect Midland's heritage

  • Priority 5

    Improve traffic safety and congestion

  • Priority 6

    Ensure there are adequate community services

  • Priority 7

    Facilitate streetscape improvements

  • Priority 8

    Create a vibrant place through place activation, community events and the community consultation

  • Priority 9

    Facilitate cycle and public transport options

  • Priority 10

    Review the interface between residential and other zones

Area wide updates 2024

Prioirty 1

The City continues to facilitate a range of collaborative networks including the Local Emergency Management Committee and actively participates in the Midland District Leadership Group to address local safety priorities.

Priority 3

The Helena River Steiner School River Rangers, Friends of Archerfield Park and the Bushmead Conservation Cobbers friends’ groups planted approximately 1,962 native seedlings within the Midland LAP area.

Priority 6

There is a range of advocacy events and training programs held within the Midland area to help support and strengthen the community’s safety. These include:

  • Swan Family and Domestic Violence Network every two months in Midland to support local services to share information and plan Family and Domestic Violence events and programs
  • The Midland Alliance to End Homelessness meets every two months in Midland to support local services to share information and plan homelessness events and programs
  • The Swan Mental Health Network was established in October 2024 to support mental health related services to share information and plan mental health events and programs
  • The Midland and Guildford Community Champions are a networking group for services, sporting clubs and community groups that meet every six months.

Priority 8

The City worked with local artists to wrap NBN boxes across the City in cultural artwork for the Swan Street Gallery.

The City supported the NAIDOC Fashion Show by the Karlup Aboriginal Corporation.

Priority 10

The City continues to review land use requirements within the LAP area to ensure new developments consider compatibility appropriately.

Previous annual updates

Take a look at updates from previous years.

Priority 1:

  • The City has implemented a Homelessness Strategy to help improve the coordinated response to this use. The City works in partnership with the Midland Alliance to End Homelessness on strategies and is about to employ a Homelessness Coordinator to advocate and facilitate improved outcomes.
  • Installation, maintenance and surveillance of the Midland CBD via a network of public place CCTV cameras. The City works with the Police in sharing the City’s surveillance systems with local stations.
  • The City has a close working relationship with the Midland Police and neighbouring Local Governments to jointly address crime. The Community Safety Plan is to be reviewed, which determines the City’s direction for community safety and looks at the City’s role as a service provider.
  • The City has a Graffiti Management Program that targets anti-social behaviour via graffiti.

Priority 2:

  • Koongamia residents will receive brand new features at their ovals and parks in 2022/23.
  • Midvale Skate Park is the newest youth and recreational space located outside Swan Active Midland.
  • Swan Active Midland is undergoing a $16 million refurbishment.
  • Weeip Park was officially opened in October 2021.

Priority 3:

  • In 2021/22, 40 more trees were planted as part of Stage 2 of Weeip Park development. 224 trees have now been planted on the New Junction site.
  • The Urban Forest Plan was adopted June 2022. Implementation of the plan will include setting targets and planting opportunities for each ward.

Priority 4:

  • Council endorsed 35 properties in the Midland Local Area for inclusion in the Local Heritage Survey in August 2022.
  • The City’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) was adopted in April 2022. The Launch event was held in June 2022, followed by numerous NAIDOC week events.

Priority 5:

  • The City is currently preparing a review of the Midland Parking Strategy with the report expected to be presented to Council in 2022/23.
  • The Lloyd Street Bridge alignment is currently being reviewed with traditional owners.

Priority 6:

  • The Swan City Youth Service in Midland supports young people offering educational, recreational, life skills, and art and music programs.
  • Swan Active Midland refurbishment will include improved spaces, facilities and programs for young people expected to be completed in 2023.
  • In 2021 the City supported the Midland Seniors Expo which displayed a range of products and services for seniors, an afternoon tea and entertainment.

Priority 7:

  • 88 street trees have been planted as part of the free street tree program in 2021/22.
  • Street lighting improvements were completed on Bushby St, Ferguson Street, Cope Street and Bishop Road.
  • The City has engaged consultants to complete a Walkability Plan for Midland, expected to be presented to Council in late 2022.

Priority 8:

  • The City funds the operation of the Midland Junction Arts Centre to deliver art and culture programs to the Midland area.
  • The City supports events and place activation via community grants across the Midland area.
  • The City’s Business and Tourism Services team facilitated the Jobs and Skills Expo in June 2022 at the Midland Town Hall. Focus was to assist local employers and jobseekers to connect and try and reduce the impact of the current skills crisis.
  • The City provides ongoing support for a number of events, including art exhibitions and workshops at MJAC, Fridays at LoCale - a series of free, family friendly summer arts events, and the Kambarang Festival in October 2021 - a free, family-friendly event that celebrates Aboriginal culture and our shared human connection to Swan.

Priority 9:

  • METRONET’s Midland Station will have a new home, closer to the town centre and health campus. The relocation of the station between Helena and Cale Street supports the railway’s central role to work and community life in the area. The station is expected to be open 2024.

Priority 10:

  • The review of the Local Planning Scheme will support this priority in its review of zones in the City and the permitted uses, affecting the Midland local area.

Priority 1:

  • The New Junction precinct team are working with operators and tenants along The Crescent to manage antisocial behaviour. Incidents are reported to Police, as well as property damage being repaired quickly, and any belongings left being removed. The toilets a Weeip Park are self locking, with timings changed to reflect seasonal use.
  • A pilot program has commenced to conduct CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) audits with local businesses impacted by crime and antisocial behaviour. The end goal is to build a tool kit for businesses to self assess their crime risks and implement solutions.
  • The Community Safety Plan is currently being reviewed and this will help shape the future programs and services offered by the City to help you feel safe in your community.

Priority 2:

  • A new Ninja Obstacle Course at Lloyd Pen Park in Koongamia will be commencing construction soon.
  • New Junction provides a significant amount of POS for Midland, with Weeip Park developed to include an oval, youth space and childrens playground. Concept designs for the new residential park have been completed, and once developed will provide another pocket of POS in the area.
  • A new pocket park will be created as part of the new Midland Train Station, providing more open space in the Midland CBD and retaining numerous large trees.

Priority 3:

  • The City has planted 34 trees at playspaces and 39 street trees through the LAP area. 5,739 seedlings were planted at the Wangalla Brook Foreshore in Koongamia.
  • The Midland Train Station development includes the retention or relocation of a large number of trees, including the Oak Tree which dates back to 1910.
  • A number of large mature trees in New Junction have been assessed by an arborist and the City aims to retain these trees as part of any future developments

Priority 4:

  • Stage 1 of the Local Heritage Survey Review is currently underway and includes Midland, Woodbridge and Bellevue. Over 284 nominations were received, and are now being assessed.

Priority 5:

  • The City has reviewed the Midland Parking Strategy and is preparing parking management plans for the Workshops, and the streets between Great Eastern Highway and Railway Parade.

Priority 6:

  • The City provides aged care home support and adult disability support to 317 eligible residents and families in the Midland LAP Area through State and Commonwealth subsidies programs deliverd by Community Care Services.
  • Swan Active Midland’s refurbishment is continuing with improved gym facilities, sports courts and indoor pools expected to open in early 2024.
  • The Midland Library building’s roof is currently under repair, with plans for the Library to move back in to the space by the end of 2023.

Priority 7:

  • Wildflower verges were highly successful in 2022, and the City has extended this program in 2023.
  • Street lights have been upgraded along Old Great Northern Highway during 2023.
  • The City has completed a Healthy Streets Assessment for Midland, which will guide future streetscape upgrades on key pedestrian routes through Midland.

Priority 8:

  • In the 22/23FY $123,485 in grant funding for events, groups and initiatives was awarded in the LAP area.
  • The City has recently signed a lease agreement for Railway Square in the Midland Workshops. The space will be used for events and activations, and is available to the public subject to an approval process.
  • The City provides ongoing support for a number of events, including art exhibitions and workshops at MJAC, Fridays at LoCale – a series of free, family friendly summer arts events, and the Hyper Festival in April 2023 - an alcohol free, youth focused music festival that was sold out at 3000 tickets.

Priority 9:

  • METRONET’s Midland Station relocation project includes a larger bus interchange and extended Principal Shared Path.
  • New footpaths have been constructed on Alice Street, Kensington Street and Great Eastern Highway to facilitate safe access for pedestrians and cyclists.

Priority 10:

  • The City has finalised Local Planning Scheme Amendment No. 203 which addresses land use conflicts in Bellevue and sets out supported land uses moving forward.