The most recent version of the Guildford Hazelmere Local Area Plan was adopted in March 2020 and is planned to be reviewed in 2026.

The plan highlights the priorities of the community identified during the consultation period. It also creates a roadmap for the City to plan for and deliver outcomes that meet the aspirations and needs of the community.

Community Snapshot

Community Priorities

  • Priority 1

    Promote Guildford’s heritage and tourism sector

  • Priority 2

    Strengthen relationships with our diverse cultural community

  • Priority 3

    Provision of adequate bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure

  • Priority 4

    Protection and Retention of Trees and the Natural Environment

Area wide updates 2024

Priority 1

The City assisted with the delivery of the annual Swan Open Studios in April 2024, with a number of local Guildford artists and businesses participating in the 10-day event. The annual initiative invites the public to explore workspaces and purchase local artwork directly and showcases local creative work and engagement with new audiences.

The City’s Place Activation team are also reviewing the Guildford banners in 23/24 and considering new designs for 2025 in collaboration with the City’s Community and Engagement team.

Priority 2

The City offers a wide range of grant and sponsorship options for community groups and community events. Community grants awarded in the Guildford area in 2023 include:

  • Swan Aboriginal Community Christmas Celebration – Ngala - Swan Communities for Children
  • Accessioning Project - Guildford Association Inc
  • Guildford 2024 dance rehearsal and social connectivity space
  • Growing your Brighter Future - Casson Homes Incorporated.

Priority 4

Council resolved to approve the Tree Protection and Management Policy for advertising. The policy aims to encourage and facilitate the retention and maintenance of the urban tree canopy cover throughout the city. The policy is planned to be advertised in late 2024 and will facilitate a level of protection for trees and vegetation outside the heritage listed sites.

In 2023, the City of Swan gave away more than 900 free seedlings to 137 residents to increase the urban tree canopy within the Guildford/Hazelmere area. Residents can also collect up to half a cubic metre of free mulch from the Bullsbrook Recycling Centre. Read more here.

Location specific updates 2024

Previous annual updates

Take a look at updates from previous years.

Priority 1:

The City’s draft Guildford Heritage Area Local Planning Policy is being advertised with drop-in sessions available for the community.

The City of Swan supports the Swan Guildford Historical Society by providing recurrent funding for curatorial and education tourism tour services.

Priority 2:

Dual Naming entry signs have been constructed for Guildford to recognise the wider Indigenous significance and heritage of Guildford.

The RAP was endorsed by Council and Reconciliation Australia in March, 2022. The RAP outlines the City’s vision for reconciliation and includes practical actions to strengthen respectful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Priority 3:

A priority in the City’s Cycle Network Plan is the Guildford and South Guildford Cycle Link.

The City is investigating options for a temporary pedestrian underpass on the south bank of the Helena River, prior to construction of the replacement Helena River Bridge.

Priority 4:

The Urban Forest Plan was open for public comment in 2021. Implementation of the plan will include assessing each local area and setting individual targets. A Briefing to Council was held in April 2022 and the City will investigate planting opportunities for each Ward area.

Priority 1:

WA’s historic 10th Light Horse Regiment sculpture was unveiled in mid-March 2023 in Stirling Square. Update Brochures detailing the history of the horse were produced to support the opening.

Guildford-Mandoon Heritage Area Local Planning Policy was adopted in October 2022. The policy reinforces the local and state cultural heritage significance of the Guildford area and assists in protecting the contributory heritage character of Guildford.

The City hosted the first Guildford Heritage Reference Group on 14 March 2023. The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for key stakeholders to discuss heritage in Guildford and the implementation of the Guildford-Mandoon Heritage Area Local Planning Policy.

The City has engaged an artist to develop concept designs for Whadjuk artwork in Stiling Square.

The City continues to promote Guildford on promoting the historical precinct by providing visitors with resources on what Guildford has to offer.

Priority 2:

The Guildford Library hosts a range of programs. The attendance numbers of these programs so far in 2023 is as follows:

• Children’s programs – 2,097 • Adult and Multicultural Programs - 187

• Youth and Technology Programs - 227

The Guildford-Mandoon Heritage Area Local Planning Policy acknowledges the dual naming of the area and includes a map of known registered Aboriginal sites to raise awareness.

The City offers a wide range of grant and sponsorship options for community groups and community events. Community grants awarded in the Guildford area in 2022 and 2023 included the Swan Audiowalks and the Guildford Songfest 2023.

Priority 3:

As part of the Great Eastern Highway Bypass Interchange Project, a new principal shared path (PSP) will extend from Roe Highway and Great Eastern Highway to join the section of PSP north of Kalamunda Road. This will greatly improve cycle and pedestrian connectivity.

An action outlined within the Local Planning Strategy is to implement the recommendations of the City’s Cycle Strategies to improve the bicycle network. An example of this is the proposed extension of the PSP to Midland as part of the Midland Train Station development. This will improvement the PSP connectivity for the Guildford-Hazelmere LAP area.

The City of Swan is investigating the implementation of a ‘Safe Active Street’ along Helena Street in Guildford. Helena Street is identified in the City’s cycle strategy, as well as the Department of Transport’s Long Term Cycle Network as being an important local route for active transport. The City is currently developing a concept and will consult with residents in 2023.

Priority 4:

The Guildford-Mandoon Heritage Area Local Planning Policy identifies mature trees as being an important part of the heritage fabric and protects them by requiring development approval for their removal.

Adoption of Urban Forest Plan in 2022 led to the City commencing work on a local policy guiding tree retention and management through all stages of planning and development.

The City of Swan is running its biggest ever giveaway of 45,000 free trees and plants in 2023.

Strategic community plan 2021-2031 has an objective to protect and retain the green environment. This involves increasing the urban street canopy by 1% per year.