The application seeks approval to use portion of the land for Telecommunications Infrastructure and associated development at Lot 8500 The Parkway, Ellenbrook. The subject site is zoned Special Use Zone 4 (Ellenbrook Estate) and is located within the
“Retail” precinct of the Ellenbrook Town Centre Development Plan. Pursuant to the Schedule 4 (Ellenbrook Estate) Special Use Zone table, ‘any other use not listed above’ (which includes Telecommunications Infrastructure) in the “Retail” precinct is a “D” use which means that the use is not permitted unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting planning approval. Details of the proposal are as follows:
- Telecommunications Facility to be located directly to the south of the Petstock building located in the north west corner of the subject site.
- Tower with attached panel antennas has a maximum height of 31.3m
- Tower and associated equipment cabin located in a compound / lease area that has dimensions of 6m x 17.1m
- Compound secured by a 2.35m high security fence
- Vehicle access via a proposed 3m wide vehicle accessway leading from a road abut the east boundary.
Submissions ending 7 March 2025.