The applicant is seeking Development Approval for a front fence and retaining wall at Lot 1 (No. 2) Letts Court, LOCKRIDGE.

The proposed front fence will sit 2.509m above natural ground level, with slats inserted 50mm apart. The proposal seeks to vary the deemed-to-comply requirements of the Residential Design Codes 5.2.4 Street Walls and Fences in the following manner;

  • A fence 2.509m above the natural ground level, in lieu of 1.8m
  • Horizontal gaps along the entire fence of 50mm from 1.566m above natural ground level, in lieu of 1.2m
  • The retaining wall is 0.8m above natural ground level where a wall meets a driveway, in lieuof 0.75m.

  • Deadline for submissions: 6 February 2025.

    This consultation has ended.