The City has received the abovementioned proposal for consideration. The applicant is seeking development approval to install a new female ablution block at the Guildford Grammar School at Lot 802 Great Eastern Highway, Guildford.

The subject lot is not considered contributory to the Guildford Historic Township.

The lot is zoned ‘Private Clubs & Institutions’ under the City’s Local Planning Scheme and represents an incidental addition to the existing ‘Educational Establishment’ use which is an ‘A’ use within the applicable zoning. Consequently, the City must advertise this proposal in accordance with Clause 9.4 of LPS17.

The proposal includes the addition of a modular ablution block to be installed within the new pool area. This modular ablution block has the following features:

  • 14.5m Length x 4.8m width
  • 9-degree metal roof sheeting
  • Hardie Linea cladding exterior
  • Heritage Red colour scheme with Colorbond Surfmist accented window frames.

Submissions ending: 11 February 2025.

This consultation has ended.