The City has received a development application for a Grouped Dwelling at Lot 143 (No. 86) Kingfisher Avenue, BALLAJURA WA 6066.

The applicant is seeking variations to specific provisions of State Planning Policy 7.3 – Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) as outlined below:

Clause C3.4.4 – Boundary walls

Where a subject site is adjacent to a lot with a lower density code, the maximum allowable wall length and height for any boundary wall is determined by the lower density code. Lot 144 (No. 88) Kingfisher Avenue, Ballajura, is zoned R17.5/R20. As the lot currently contains a single house, the lower density code (R17.5) applies.

Under the deemed-to-comply provisions, boundary walls are not permitted on properties zoned R17.5. However, the submitted proposal includes a boundary wall adjacent to an R17.5-zoned lot.

Before the proposal is formally considered by the City of Swan, feedback from impacted property owners is being sought.

Submissions ending: 18 February 2025.

This consultation has ended.