The City is seeking public comment on this Development Assessment Panel Form 2 development application.
Background (DA-841/2022):
Development Approval was granted by the MOJDAP on 3 July 2023 for a new Tavern and Drive-Through Liquor Store. The approval included both ‘Tavern’ and ‘Shop’ land uses with the tavern building footprint being 1,204m2 comprising the tavern being 983.5m2, the alfresco area being 192.3m2 and the bin store being 28.4m2; and the drive through bottle shop having an area of 246m2.
The approval allowed for a maximum of 400 patrons in the tavern with no more than 120 in the alfresco area. A total of 79 car parking bays was approved inclusive of the childcare parking bays (25 bays) located at the north-west part of the subject lot.
Current amendment:
The applicant has submitted a JDAP Form 2 to consider a range of amendments to the approved development as below:
- Removal of the 'Shop’ land use Including the drive through liquor store;
- Increasing the Tavern building footprint by 210.8m2;
- Increasing parking bays by 14 bays, from 79 bays to 93 bays including the childcare parking bays;
- Increasing the maximum capacity of tavern to 500 patrons with 350 persons within the Alfresco Area;
- Removing the ‘exit only’ vehicle access to Palfrey Street; and
- Increasing the landscaping over the lot by 346.26m2.
The City is seeking any comments you may have with respect to this proposal
Deadline for submissions: 12 November, 2024
This consultation has closed.