The City has received an application seeking approval of a grouped dwelling application on Lot 339 (No. 14) Winchester Place, Ballajura.

Details of the proposal are as follows:

  • The proposed ‘grouped dwelling’ is located at the rear of Lot 339 (No. 14) Winchester Place, Ballajura and will constitute an area of 238m2.
  • The dwelling will be a two-storey dwelling with a maximum height of 7.04m above the natural ground level.

The proposed development seeks the following variations to Part 3.4 ‘Lot Boundary setbacks’ of the Residential Design Codes:

  • 2.8m high boundary wall on southern boundary
  • 2.78m high boundary wall on western boundary
  • 2.77m high boundary wall on northern boundary

Deadline for submissions is: 20 December 2024.

This consultation has closed.