The City has received the abovementioned proposal for consideration. The applicant is seeking development approval for alterations and additions to their dwelling at Lot 14 (No.7) Attfield Stret, Guildford.

The subject lot is not considered contributory to the heritage fabric of the Guildford Historic Township. The lot is zoned ‘Residential’ under the Local Planning Scheme No.17 and has a density code of R5. The land abuts Swan Bowling Club to the northern and western boundaries, with the St. Mary’s Catholic Church sitting across the road in the north-easterly direction.

The proposed works have been modified to remedy the existing façade elements which do not accord with the Guildford-Mandoon Heritage Area Policy.

The proposal consists of the following:

  • To retain the existing façade built form, but update the colour scheme to align it with that expected within a heritage area.
  • Reconstruct the area of the house behind the original two front rooms, to align with the external sides of the front rooms.
  • Internal alterations and fitouts
  • Consolidate the roof; extend the existing roof pitch and hipped form to include the renovated space with the original roof.
  • Replace the existing c.1950 roof tiles with corrugated galvanised roof sheeting
  • Amend the hardscape frontage to appease street-scape character, construction of raised and reticulated planter/garden bed with endemic trees and shrubbery
  • Install photovoltaic (solar) panels to the flat roofed shed at the rear of the lot.

Submissions ending: 11 February 2025.

This consultation has ended.