The City has received an application for a proposed 24 hour Service Station and Fast Food Outlet, with associated Signage, Parking and Landscaping on the above property.

This matter is to be considered by Metro Outer Joint Development Assessment Panel (MOJDAP).

The use of the land for a ‘Service Station’ in a general commercial zone cannot be approved unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting planning approval after giving special notice in accordance with clause 9.4 of the City of Swan Local Planning Scheme 17.

The proposal entails:

Service Station:

  • The service station building has a gross leasable shop area of 225m2 and contains an internal sales area with associated point of sale, office, back of house areas and seating area facing the corner
  • A 5.5m high canopy is proposed, housing three bowsers which provide six refuelling spaces (two each side)
  • 10 parking spaces have been provided on site
  • Vehicle access is proposed via a full movement crossover to the southern site frontage (Squadron Boulevard) and a Left-in/Left-out crossover from Boomerang Road
  • The service station will operate 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week
  • Signage generally associated with a service station is proposed including a pylon sign, wall mounted signage, and directional signage.

Fast Food Outlet:

  • The fast food outlet has a gross leasable shop area of 210m2 and contains an internal sales area with associated point of sale, office, back of house areas and seating area facing the Southwest corner
  • 10 parking spaces provide
  • Vehicle access is proposed via crossovers to the north and east (internal roads) and a full movement crossover to the south onto Squadron Boulevard
  • The fast food outlet will operate 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week
  • Two wall mounted signs proposed on the buildings west elevation.

Deadline for submissions is 24 January 2025.