The City has received a development application for a Grouped Dwelling at Lot 110 (No. 13) Badgingarra Gardens, Ballajura.

The applicant is seeking variations to specific provisions of State Planning Policy 7.3 – Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) as outlined below:

Clause 5.1.3 - Lot Boundary Setbacks

The deemed-to-comply provisions do not allow boundary walls on properties zoned R17.5 or those adjacent to lots with an R17.5 zoning designation. However, the submitted proposal includes a boundary wall adjacent to a lot zoned R17.5.

Clause 3.4.2 - Lot Boundary Setbacks

Under Clause 3.4.2, any portion of a second-storey wall exceeding 14 meters in length must be set back 3 meters for the remainder of its length. The proposal, however, includes a two-storey wall with a total length of 21.44 meters, set back only 1.5 meters along its entire length.

Deadline for submissions: 12 December 2024.

This consultation has closed.