You are invited to comment on the above Planning Application before the City of Swan considers the proposal. The subject lot is located within the “Guildford Historic Town” which is on the State Register of Heritage Places protected by the Heritage Act 2018 and is designated as the Guildford Heritage Area under the City of Swan Local Planning Scheme.
The application seeks approval to replace an existing patio with a new patio structure attached to the existing dwelling. The patio has a total area of 43.02m2 and has a post height of 2.7m and an overall roof height of up to 4.26m. The addition is largely compliant with the Guildford/ Mandoon Heritage Area Local Planning Policy however, proposes the following variation.
The patio is proposed to be constructed from a mixture of corrugated Zincalume and corrugated Polycarbonate sheets with steel posts. The materials propose a variation to the clause 8.4.3 Materials and Colours of POL-LP-1.16 Guildford-Mandoon Heritage Area Local Planning Policy. The performance criteria when assessing variations to this clause include the following:
- C8.4.3.1 New development references the materiality of surrounding Contributory Places. Traditional materials are utilised in a contemporary design outcome which respects the surrounding original building qualities, proportions and distinctions of scale and is harmonious with its surrounding streetscape character
- C8.4.3.2 The colour palette of new developments are complimentary to the muted colours and tonal differences which are historically prevalent within the relevant Character Statement context
- C8.4.3.3 Materials and colours of additions match or are complimentary to those used on the associated Contributory Place.
A development application which proposed variations to the Measures (as relevant) shall demonstrate achievement of the Performance Criteria and the policy objectives. In making its decision, the determining authority shall have regard to those matters set out in clause 67 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. Feedback received will be considered as part of the development application assessment process.
The fence and swimming pool mentioned in the Heritage Impact Statement and Character Impact Statement do not form part of this application.
Deadline for submissions: 4 November, 2024.
This consultation has closed.