Apex Planning, on behalf of CPL Eco-Development Pty Ltd, has lodged an application for the ‘Use and development of child care premises, including parking, access, landscaping, signage’ at Lot 33 and Lot 34 (No.7-9) Fauntleroy Street, Guildford.

The land is zoned ‘Urban’ under the Metropolitan Region Scheme and ‘Residential’ under the City’s Local Planning Scheme. ‘Child Care Premises’ is considered a ‘D’ – discretionary land use in a residential zone, that meaning that the use is not permitted unless the decision-maker has exercised their discretion by granting planning approval.

The proposal would encompass the removal of select mature trees and establish a childcare facility on land within the Guildford Historic Township. The facility will provide early learning and care services for up to 67 children and 13 staff members and will operate between 6:30am – 6:30pm Monday to Friday.

The proposed centre will have the availability of 20 on-site car parking spaces split in the following manner:

  • Seven (7) visitor bays,
  • Twelve (12) staff bays and
  • One (1) ACROD bay.

20 car parking spaces represents a technical shortfall of 2 bays against the City’s Vehicle Parking Standards requirement of 22 bays for development of this nature and scale.

The design guidance afforded to ‘New Built Form’ within the Guildford Heritage Area specifies that new buildings should respond to existing contributory characteristics with roof slopes generally being between 30-35 degrees, with a minimum of 25 degrees being acceptable only where it is reinforcing the prevailing contributory street character. The design as proposed features the north-south oriented central roof slope as being 20 degrees in lieu of a minimum of 25 degrees where it is reflective of the prevailing contributory street character. The associated performance criteria requires that “development respect the predominant scale (height, bulk, density and pattern of arrangement) that is characteristics of the Guildford Heritage Area and does not have an adverse visual impact on it”.

The proposal varies measure M8.5.1 of ‘Gardens and Landscaping’ whereby mature trees in both the public and private realm are to be retained and integrated into the design of the new development. The proposal involves the removal of six (6) trees on-site to facilitate the development and the retention of a single 8m tall Bottle Tree within the front setback. The applicable performance criteria notes that “Private front gardens contribute to the character of the streetscape. Private Owners are encouraged to maintain their front gardens and retain plantings which are typical of the area to provide a well-kept green setting for the Contributory Place”.

The City is seeking any comments you may have with respect to this proposal

Deadline for submissions: 30 October, 2024