The City has received the abovementioned proposal for consideration. The applicant is seeking Development Approval for a Single Dwelling at Lot 22 (U1/3A) Pitt Street, WOODBRIDGE.

The proposed dwelling will have a boundary wall with a length of 17.29m. The proposed dwelling will feature a double car garage.

The proposal seeks to vary the deemed-to-comply requirements of the Residential Design Codes 3.4 – Lot Boundary Setbacks in the following manner:

  • A boundary wall, the total length of 17.29m, in lieu of 14m

The proposal seeks to vary POL-C-111 Local Planning Policy – Woodbridge Conservation Precincts 5.2.2 Acceptable Development Provisions (Form) in the following manner:

Double car garage, in lieu of the generally preferred carport.

Deadline for submissions: 4 November 2024.

This consultation has closed.