The City has received an application to renew the development approval and extractive industry license for the existing sand quarry located at lot 5892 Maralla Road, Bullsbrook.

Approval would allow for the continuation of clay extraction works on the site until 2035,

a further ten (10) year period.

Lot 5892 Maralla Road encompasses an area of approximately 163 hectares. Extraction will more progressively from the East of the site to the West. The property is zoned ‘General Rural’ in accordance with the City’s Local Planning Scheme No.17. The land use is considered ‘Industry-Extractive’ which is an ‘D’ (discretionary) use within the ‘General Rural’ zone. A ‘D’ use means that the use is not permitted unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting planning approval.

The details of the proposal are as follows:

  • Excavation will progress in a series of stages across the site, commencing at the eastern end and progressing in a westerly direction.
  • Up to 500,000 tonnes of materials are anticipated to be extracted per year.
  • Hours of operation, will be 7.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. No operation will occur on Sundays or Public Holidays
  • Trucks travelling to and from Lot 5892 use Halden Road and Warbrook Road up to the intersection with Raphael Road. Trucks then use Raphael Road to travel northwards and access the broader road network.
  • The quarry is expected to generate, at the most, approximately 16 trips per hour (split 50/50 in each direction) and about 150 trips per day (split 50/50).

Submissions ending: 28 February 2025.