The City has received a development approval application for a grouped dwelling including an ancillary dwelling at 255 Summerlakes Parade, BALLAJURA WA 6066.

The applicant is seeking variations to the following clauses of State Planning Policy 7.3 – Residential Design Codes (R-Codes):

  • Clause 5.1.3 Lot Boundary Setback: The design proposes a setback of 1m in lieu of 1.5m to the rear boundary for both the Ancillary Dwelling and Single House.
  • Clause 5.4.1 Visual Privacy: The design proposes a 1.7m setback to the balcony in lieu of 7.5m. Noting that overlooking from the balcony is reduced by the solid wall facing the shared lot boundary.

Deadline for submissions 5pm, 7 November 2024.

This consultation has closed.