I'm looking for projects about

Open consultations

See the projects currently open for public consultation and have your say about what's happening in your community. Your opinions are important to us.

Community consultations may cover topics such as Local Area Planning, parking reviews, changes to services, development of community spaces, design consultations and more.

Local Area Planning

Our Local Area Planning (LAP) program is a 'one City' initiative that recognises the diversity of the social and urban fabric of the area. As part of the program we speak to local businesses, residents and stakeholders to identify priorities and create a plan to meet them.


The City's town planning framework is made up of a number of documents and policies which state how new development should be managed. These documents and policies have been through rigorous preparation and community engagement process to ensure they are closely aligned to the needs and aspirations of the community and all have been endorsed by Council as the City's official position.

Road and Access

The City strives to make sure disruption is kept to a minimum so that you can get on with your day. Although the business of building roads and pedestrian access ways is very technical, from time to time you will have the opportunity to influence how and where this is done.